Soumilee Chaudhuri Wins 3MT Competition and Receives Extramural Funding for Student-led Initiative

Please join us in congratulating ADNI Scholar, Soumilee Chaudhuri on her outstanding accomplishments!

Soumilee won the 3MT, Three Minute Thesis, competition sharing about her topic of “Heart & Brain Tango: Unmasking Alzheimer’s Secrets.” The 3MT competition challenges graduate students to effectively explain their research in 3 minutes to a non-specialist audience. Learn more about the 3MT competition here.

On top of that, Soumilee recently co-founded IMPACT Indiana (Initiative for Mobilizing Public health Advocacy, Care, and Translational research for Alzheimer’s Disease in Indiana) and received extramural funding approval from Research America’s Civic Engagement Microgrant Program. IMPACT Indiana is a student-led initiative to engage Indiana lawmakers, community leaders, and early career academics in conversations about ongoing Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) research in the state and its crucial implications for AD-related public policy and drug development. This group will continue to facilitate the research and advocacy work in AD and accelerate the mission of facilitating community leaders and lawmakers’ understanding about the need for dementia care for diverse and underrepresented communities across Indiana and the importance of collaboration with scientists and physicians to make that possible.

Congratulations, Soumilee on these exemplary accomplishments! You invigorate us with your passion for health equity in Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias