HESP Co-Lead, Dr. Ozioma Okonkwo along with HABS-HD Scholar, Dr. Alexandra Clark, and ADNI Scholar, Koral Wheeler, will be presenting at the 2023 Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) in Amsterdam, Netherlands this July. Please join us in congratulating these HESP team members on this exciting opportunity!
Dr. Ozioma Okonkwo (Oral presentation)
“Culturally-Informed Community-Engaged Efforts to Improve Inclusion and Engagement of Underrepresented Ethnocultural Populations in the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative 3 Study: The ADNI Diversity Task Force.” Dr. Okonkwo’s presentation is part of a Featured Research Session that is co-chaired by HESP Co-Lead, Dr. Monica Rivera Mindt. The Session is titled, Successful Recruitment of Underrepresented Groups in AD Studies.
Dr. Alexandra Clark (Poster presentation)
“Cluster-Derived Psychosocial Phenotypes, Cognitive Outcomes, and AD Plasma Biomarkers of Black and Hispanic/Latino Older Adults Enrolled in HABS-HD.”
Koral Wheeler (Poster presentation)
“Assessing the Associations Between Plasma C-Reactive Protein, AB 42/40 Ratio, Global Amyloid and Entorhinal Tau PET.”